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Meet Paul Walski

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Paul is an Assistant Principal at Brick Memorial High School. Before joining the staff at BMHS in 2019-2020, he was an Assistant Principal at Veterans Memorial Middle School for 15 years. Mr. Walski has been employed by the Brick Township Board of Education since 1989. He began his career as a Special Education teacher at the Laurelton School and then became a PE teacher at VMMS. Mr. Walski coached Football at BMHS beginning in 1988.  He also coached track at BMHS and VMMS. Mr. Walski’s coaching career ended when he became an administrator in 2004 but not before coaching on the BMHS football staff that won its first ever football state championship in 2003.


Mr. Walski had the distinct privilege of attending Brick High School his first two years then moving over to Brick Memorial High School when it opened its doors. He was part of the first graduating class in 1982. After, graduating from BMHS in 1982, Mr. Walski attended Glassboro State College earning a BS degree, along with his Health and Physical Education Teacher Certification. He received his Master’s degree in Supervision from Jersey City University.


Mr. Walski has volunteered his time as an AYF Coach. He is member of the BMHS Wall of Fame committee and  Brick United. Mr. Walski has been married to Laura Caravella Walski since 1995. Together, they have two wonderful children; Peter who graduated for BMHS in 2015 and recently graduated Rowan University with a BA degree with a teacher certification in Health and Physical Education adn Riley, their daughter, who graduated from BMHS in 2018 and is a freshman at TCNJ. She is studying education and wants to be a secondary Language Arts teacher.

Brick United is a registered 501 c-3 nonprofit organization.  Brick United functions from active participation from its members and the support of the Brick and surrounding communities.  Brick United raises funds through various events throughout the year to provide scholarships for graduating seniors from Brick Township High School and Brick Memorial High School.  During these events, the organization endeavors to promote the character of Warren H. Wolf through the emphasis of leadership, hard work, and his spirit to our community.



Brick United

Care of Jay Sendzik, Esq.

1808 Route 88, Brick, NJ 08724

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